A society is only as strong as its weakest links

Take a step back. Do not neglect the weakest members of our society. Together we build the nation. Together we achieve happiness,  progress and prosperity for our nation. I always believe that a group/team/society is only as strong as its weakest. So I hope the Singapore government don’t leave the weakest people behind. Don’t hide them under the carpet. Don’t leave them out of the statistics and use creative accounting to make them disappear.

What’s the point of trying to achieve increasing GDP per capita when you see so much suffering? It is only a hollow success. Do onto others what you want others to do onto you.

God bless. I hope I can find my calling.


  1. A society is still a collective, and hence its strength in any terms, be it physical, military, economic, or character, is still a derivative as the collective as a whole, not the weakest facet.

    Your application of a an untrue cliche to make youself feel better about society only shows your lack of intellectual prowess.

    • think about that. what is a society made up of but individuals. if theres that group of weak individuals in the society then it will all collapse. because if we really are a whole, then we depend on each other and so we will be depending on weak individuals who will then cause us to fall. u cant just look at everything like a whole, really, i mean who does that? if you were smart enough you wouldnt be lazy and just see things so superficially and just whats on the surface. next time look in deeper chris to the source of the problem, not just the effect.

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